5 Day Daycare Passes
5 Days of Daycare Passes to have fun and get those wiggles out! Drop your pup off for the day to enjoy a day of playing in our inside and outside play areas.
Daycare packages can only be used for one dog per owner and are non transferable to another dog. No behavior problem or aggressive dogs are aloud in daycare. All Dog must pass a temperament test to be permitted into Love for Dogs Daycare. If package is purchased online and the pup fails temperament test money will be refunded with in 10-14 business days minus a 10% inconvenience fee.
Vaccination And Health Requirements
All dogs are required to be fully vaccinated and pass a temperament test in order to attend daycare at Love for Dogs. Vaccination records will be verified by Love for Dogs with your Veterinarian.
Required Vaccinations:
Canine Influenza (flu shot)
Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza (DHPP)
No female dogs are allowed at Love for Dogs when in their heat cycle. Dogs recovery from surgery, with stitches, ears in posts or taped are not aloud in daycare or boarding at Love for Dogs until they are cleared by a Veterinarian and a Love for Dogs Manager.